Categorii produse
- Carte & Muzica religioasa
- Acatiste
- AGENDA 2025
- Alte Carti - Diverse
- Biblia - Sfanta Scriptura
- Biografii
- Biserica si societatea - Pedagogie crestina
- Carte de Cult - Slujbe
- Carte legata in piele
- Carte - Parintele Arsenie Boca
- Carte de Rugaciuni
- Carte teologica - Teologie
- Carte - Parintele Cleopa
- Carte - Parintele Iustin Parvu
- Carte Religioasa
- Carte de muzica si Cantari
- Carte pentru copii
- Casatorie - Familie - Psihoterapie ortodoxa
- Catehisme
- Coperti carte
- Dogmatica
- Enciclopedii - Albume
- Filocalia
- Istorie
- Liturgica
- Literatura clasica
- Manuale - Dictionare
- Marturii
- Minuni
- Multimedia CD & DVD
- Muzica Bisericeasca
- Omilii si Cuvântari
- Parinti si scriitori bisericesti
- Paterice
- Patristica
- Pomelnice
- Povatuiri duhovnicesti
- Predici
- Psaltire
- Spiritualitate
- Spovedanie & Euharistica
- Statute si Regulamente
- Studii
- Terapii Naturiste
- Vietile Sfintilor
- Parinti Athoniti
- Obiecte de Cult - Bisericesti
- Agatatori - Suport Candele
- Analog - Suport Evanghelie
- Apostol
- Aplice Bronz
- Aplice Aliaj - Antimoniu
- Axionita
- Baldachin
- Baston Arhieresc
- Becuri economice Candelabre
- Bol sfintire
- Busuioc
- Burete Antimis
- Butoni pentru camasa
- Cadelnite
- Cadelnite - Sofrino
- Caldarusa Aghiasma
- Cana - Vas Caldura
- Candele Lant - Agatatoare
- Candele Lant - Agatatoare - Sofrino
- Candela cu lant din argint 925
- Candele Imparatesti
- Candele Masa
- Candela masa din argint 925
- Candele masa - Sofrino
- Carja Arhiereasca
- Catapeteasma
- Chivote
- Chivotul Legii
- Chivote - Sofrino
- Clopote
- Clopotel Sf Altar
- Contragreutate - Horos Candela
- Copie
- Cristelnite
- Cruci Binecuvantare - Argint 925
- Cruci Binecuvantare din lemn
- Cruci Binecuvantare - Baze cruci
- Cruci Sfanta Masa cu baza
- Cruci Binecuvantare - Sofrino
- Cruci Altar - lemn pictat
- Cruci Stavrofor si Engolpioane
- Cruci Turla Biserica
- Cruci pentru Steaguri - Prapori
- Cununii
- Curea - Centura Monah
- Cutii pentru Sfanta Impartasanie
- Cutii Altar
- Cutie donatii
- Delimitator acces
- Dicher si Tricher
- Disc
- Diverse
- Evanghelie
- Felinar Procesiune
- Felinare pentru Sfanta Lumina
- Hota
- Iconostas - Tetrapod - Proschinitar
- Lampa Strana - Fanar
- Lingurita Impartasanie
- Litier - Masa Sfantul Maslu
- Lumanarar - Hota Cadelnita
- Masa Biserica
- Masa Botez
- Masa Funerara
- Miruitoare - Vase miruit
- Mobilier - Diverse
- Pahare Candela
- Pahare Inox pentru Sfinte Vase
- Pentru Sfintire
- Policandru Aliaj - Antimoniu
- Policandru Altar - Candelabru - Felinar
- Policandru Bronz masiv
- Potir
- Potir cununie - pt Impartasit copii
- Pristolnic
- Prosop Servicii Liturgice
- Proscomidiar
- Racla Sfinte Moaste - Stelute
- Ripide - Heruvimi
- Scaune Biserica - Arhieresti
- Scaune strana
- Set Sfantul Maslu
- Set Sfinte Vase
- Sfanta Masa
- Sfesnice
- Solutii intretinere
- Stand Lumanari - Pangar
- Stea Sfinte Vase
- Stingator lumanari
- Strana
- Stropitor Aghiasma
- Suport Ripide
- Suport Cadelnite
- Suport Icoana si Evanghelie
- Suport Lumanari - Pangar
- Talger pentru Sfantul Agnet
- Toaca
- Torte
- Trusa Botez
- Trusa Misionar - Liturgica
- Trusa Impartasanie
- Tub Hrisov - Pentru Sfintire
- Usi Imparatesti
- Vas Aghiasma
- Vas Anafora
- Vas Arhieresc pentru spalat
- Vas Mir
- Vaza
- Vin pentru impartasanie
- Produse din Argint 925
- Set Sfinte Vase din argint 925
- Sfesnice din argint 925
- Candela masa din argint 925
- Candele lant din argint 925
- Baston Arhieresc argint 925
- Cadelnita din argint 925
- Cana caldura din argint 925
- Dicher si Tricher argint 925
- Stropitor Aghiasma argint 925
- Cruci Binecuvantare - Argint 925
- Racla argint 925
- Accesorii Argint 925
- Vin Bisericesc
- Covoare - Traverse
- Icoane
- Binecuvantarea casei
- Diptic - Icoana
- Icoane Argintate 925
- Icoane argintate in rama K1100 34x42 cm
- Icoane Argintate pe lemn
- Icoane Argintate pe suport plastic
- Icoane Argintate in rama K700 36x44cm
- Icoane Argintate in rama K701 27x32cm
- Icoane Argintate mari
- Icoane argintate in rama EP514 24x26 cm
- Icoane argintate in rama EP515 29x31 cm
- Icoane argintate in rama K1101 25x30 cm
- Icoane argintate in rama Ek404 / EK405
- Icoane argintate pe lemn EK403 / EK404
- Icoane argintate pe lemn EPS
- Icoane argintate pe lemn BK
- Icoane argintate pe lemn K104 19x26 cm
- Icoane argintate pe lemn K105 23x28 cm
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PA
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PB
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PC
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PN
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PG
- Icoane argintate PP
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PW
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PS
- Icoane argintate pe lemn TM
- Icoane antichizate pe lemn XPA
- Icoane argintate pe lemn XM
- Icoane argintate - Dimensiuni mari
- Icoane argintate pe lemn PT
- Icoane argintate din Sfantul Munte Athos
- Icoane ceramica
- Icoane Chivot
- Icoane Imbracate in Vesmant
- Icoane Imparatesti - Catapeteasma
- Icoane pe lemn - Bizantine
- Icoane pe lemn - Rusesti
- Icoane cu Maica Domnului Gerontissa - Stareta
- Icoane Metal si Alpaca in rama
- Icoane pictate pe email
- Icoane plastic - Papirus
- Icoane plastifiate
- Icoane in Rama
- Icoane Sculptate - Pictate
- Icoane sculpate si pictate manual BG
- Icoane - set Praznicar
- Icoane textile
- Rastignirea
- Triptic - Icoana
- Icoane cu LED
- Icoane din Argint
- Cruci perete - argint
- Icoane pe lemn cu foita
- Pangar - Carbune - Tamaie - Candele - Metanii - Suvenir - Marturii
- Bile - Cruci - Ambalaje - Sfoara metanii
- Brelocuri
- Candele
- Carbune pentru Tamaie
- Ceasuri
- Catui - pentru ars tamaie
- Coliere - Cruciulite
- Cruci autocolante
- Cruci
- Cutii pentru Tamaie
- Esente Mir si Tamaie
- Felinare
- Funerare
- Icoane Cristal - Sticla
- Insigne
- Lampa petrol
- Lampa veghe
- Lumanari
- Magneti
- Medalion Auto
- Metanii - Bratari
- Bratari cauciuc - pvc
- Bratari piele
- Bratari metal - inox
- Bratari pietre - cristal
- Bratari plastic
- Bratari hematit
- Bratari piatra vulcanica
- Bratari piatra naturala - sidef
- Bratari sticla - pietre
- Bratari lemn
- Bratari si Metaniere din pietre naturale
- Metanier
- Metanii impletite
- Metanii - Bratari copii
- Metanii calugaresti
- Mir
- Odorizante auto
- Oua Paste
- Pernute - Filacterii
- Plute - Fitile candela
- Portofele
- Rame
- Rozarii
- Sfesnice
- Statuete - Ingerasi
- Sticle pentru Mir
- Sticle Aghiasma
- Tamaie si Smirna
- Tipare Coliva
- Toiag Inmormantare
- Produse cu Parintele Arsenie Boca
- Marturii - Nunta & Botez
- Vesminte & Croitorie Preoteasca - Epitaf
- Donatii si Servicii
- Lichidare stoc - Reduceri
- Produse Manastiresti
- Vin manastiresc
- Ulei de masline
- Masline
- Ceaiuri naturiste
- Miere naturala
- Cosmetice Bio
- Ulei esential
- Cadouri de la Sfanta Mare Manastire Vatoped
- Icoane de la Sfanta si Marea Manastire Vatoped
- Carti si CD-uri de la Sfânta Mare Mănăstire Vatoped
- Mir de la Sfânta Mare Mănăstire Vatoped
- Condimente
- Icoane si Carti de la Schitul Romanesc Prodromu - Muntele Athos
- Suplimente alimentare
- Athonites
Top cautari
Elder Joseph of Vatopedi - Saint Ephraim of Katounakia
“Tell me, father, what is that light that you have within your breast?”
“It’s the Great Schema, Elder.”
“What is it?”
“The Angelic Schema.”
“I see the Angelic Schema. I’m talking about something else. The Angelic Schema is red; but that light inside that’s white, what is it?”
“I don’t know, Elder. What light is it?”
“You have it and you don’t know what it is? Let me tell you what it is. That light is from Holy Baptism. It’s the grace that you received at Baptism.”
“Does it show?”
“Yes. But tell me, there above the light, what’s written there? What word is this?”
“I don’t know. I don’t see anything.”
“I know better than you! You yourself have it, and I’m going to have to explain it to you? Ahh! It appears that you love your elder, and for that reason you have his name—within the light you have the name of your elder. In any event, you’re to be envied, you’re deserving of blessedness, since within this grace of Holy Baptism you’ve written the name of your elder.”
Saint Ephraim of Katounakia is one of the most beloved of the great Athonite elders of our time. On the occasion of his recent enrollment into the ranks of the saints of the Orthodox Church, which occurred at the same time as the glorification of his own Elder, Saint Joseph the Hesychast, we present to the world the republication of the life and teachings of the saint, written by one of his spiritual brothers, Elder Joseph of Vatopedi of blessed memory. Elder Joseph knew Saint Ephraim personally from the outset of his monastic life on Mount Athos, and remained bonded with him in Christ for the rest of his life.
This little book of the life and teachings of Saint Ephraim of Katounakia is the third in the Holy Mountain Series, a new book series created to help quench the spiritual thirst of our brethren with the empirical, ascetic teaching on the spiritual life of the Holy Orthodox Church, which has been lived to perfection on the Holy Mountain by countless monks for over ten centuries. The Holy Mountain, also known as Mount Athos, has given birth to thousands of saints in the Orthodox Church, most of whom are known to God alone.
This little book of the life and teachings of Saint Ephraim of Katounakia is the third in the Holy Mountain Series, a new book series created to help quench the spiritual thirst of our brethren with the empirical, ascetic teaching on the spiritual life of the Holy Orthodox Church, which has been lived to perfection on the Holy Mountain by countless monks for over ten centuries. The Holy Mountain, also known as Mount Athos, has given birth to thousands of saints in the Orthodox Church, most of whom are known to God alone.
An publicare | 2023 |
Editie | Holy Mountain Series - 3 |
Numar de pagini | 191 |
Tip coperta | Paperback |
Autor | Elder Joseph of Vatopedi |
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